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“The Government Should Stop Ignoring the Horrible North Korean Human Rights Situation”

“The Government Should Stop Ignoring the Horrible North Korean Human Rights Situation”

Posted August. 10, 2005 03:11,   


“The Declaration on North Korea’s Human Rights at the 60th Anniversary of National Liberation,” signed by 213 prominent social figures, was announced at the Cecil Restaurant in Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul on Tuesday.

Citizens United for Better Society, Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights, and Liberty Union co-sponsored the declaration, in which signatories urged the South Korean government to “pay focused attention to the North Korean human rights situation,” saying that “turning a deaf ear to the miserable state of North Korea’s human rights issue is a mental suicide that renounces conscious and morality.”

The participants demanded: the government to pay sincere attention to North Korea’s human rights issue; the public to take part in emergency activities to rescue North Korean residents from pain; and the political powers to immediately start discussions on the human rights of the North by, for instance, enacting a North Korean Human Rights law.

Former Prime Minister Kang Young-hoon, Seoul National University Professor and representative of the text book forum Park Hyo-jong, novelist Bok Geo-il, Liberty Union representative Shin Ji-ho, and Hwang Jang-yeop, chairman of the Exile Committee for North Korean Democracy, were among those who signed the declaration.

The signatories will hold an “Improve North Korea’s Human Rights” rally at 2:00 p.m. on August 11 at the Convention Hall of Kim Koo Museum in Hyochang-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul with members of civic groups, North Korean defectors, and 500 university students.

Yi-Young Cho lycho@donga.com