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USFK admit toxic chemicals discharge

Posted July. 14, 2000 20:08,   


The U.S. Armed Forces Korea Command, was discovered to have concealed the discharge of toxic formaldehyde from the Yongsan base, which took place in February. Apparently, the incident was confirmed by the command in June, which is before Green Korea United (GKU) had raised the issue.

Carol F Schmidt, the public relations officer for the U.S. forces, revealed at briefing held this morning that 75.7L of formaldehyde was disposed of on February 9th by discharge from Yongsan base into the sewage system. She added necessary measures have been taken to prevent such happenings from occurring in the future.

An internal investigation, which was initiated in June, had confirmed the unauthorized release of formaldehyde.

In response to the question of whether or not the unauthorized discharge was known prior to GKU`s report, public relations officer Schmidt remarked the command and/or the U.S. Armed Forces support department probably had knowledge of the incident. She gave statement expressing the U.S. forces` regretful attitude towards the incident and that continuous efforts will be made to adhere to environmental regulations of both nations.

However, officer Schmidt asserted that as the formaldehyde was treated twice through the on-base water treatment system in Yongsan base and treated again at the Nanjido waste water treatment station, no harm was done to the environment.

The discharge volume revealed by the U.S. forces was only 1/3rd the amount of 228L advocated by GKU. As no mention was made by the U.S. forces regarding punitive actions toward the accountable individual or corrective for the future, backlash is expected from the public and

environmental groups.