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Russia seizes 3 Korean fishing boats

Posted July. 28, 2000 13:54,   


Three Korean vessels fishing for cuttlefish in Russian waters have been seized by a Russian naval vessel.

According to the Sokcho Fishery Radio Station of the Maritime Association, the 29-ton Hon-Sang-Ho (Captain Lee Kwang-Ik), which had been fishing for cuttlefish in the Russian economic coastal zone (longitude 40` 40", latitude 132` 31"), about 200 miles northeast of U-lung Island, radioed, "Three Korean vessels including mine and the 105-ton Il-Jin-Ho from Port Gu-ryung in Kyong-buk have been seized by a Russian naval vessel."

The three boats carrying 28 crew members have been transported to the Russian Port Nahuka.

Hon-Sang-Ho had set sail July 25 from Port Juk-byun in the Kyung-buk area, and the other two vessels, Kwon-Chang-Ho and Il-Jin-Ho, had set sail July 20 and the 21 respectively from Port Gu-ryung.