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Quotations of the day

Posted November. 26, 2000 18:53,   


Prior to looking into those politicians and bureaucrats involved in the "Jin Seung-Hyun"-gate loan scandal, an investigation must be made into the professional conduct of prosecution officials. (A donga.com netizen on Sunday, expressing doubts about the integrity of the prosecution in view of its questionable conduct in the past.)

A country where a motion for the impeachment of the prosecutor general cannot be voted on is hardly fit to be called a democracy! (Former President Kim Young-Sam on Saturday upon arriving at Kimpo Airport, referring to Japan, where a non-confidence bill against the prime minister was voted on in the Diet.)

Economics is psychology. (A Finance Ministry official on Sunday, calling for vigorous efforts for economic recovery based on some positive signs that have emerged from the clouds currently looming over the Korean economy.)

Working on improving public restrooms despite the deep fiscal deficit is an example of administration for show that wastes the budget. (Rep. Lee Yoon-Soo of the ruling Millennium Democratic Party on Sunday, reviewing the use of the budget allotted to the metropolitan government for 1999 and pointing out that 5 million won per pyong would be spent in renovating or building 18 restrooms in Seoul by yearend.)

The Education Ministry should wash its hands of all education. (A donga.com netizen on Sunday, arguing that education has to be conducted by schools and the Education Ministry need not go beyond minimal assistance, thereby allowing them to solve their own problems.)