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Volleyballer Sohn makes drastic change

Posted December. 20, 2000 13:24,   


Sohn Suk-Bum, 23, of LG Insurance Co., failed to meet the expectation of the Fans and team officials this year, although he was drafted as the No. 1 player in the semiprofessional volleyball league.

His trademark open spikes during his college days did not work. Yet, ahead of the annual Super League during the winter season, the situation in his team changed.

He has to be in charge of the right attack alone. He is sweating these days in order to adapt himself to the new attack pattern. LG head coach Kim Chan-Ho asked Sohn to make the spike a tempo faster, and he is undergoing hard training to connect the setter¡¯s low and fast tosses to spikes. In addition, a huge Sohn is devoting himself to increasing his agility by repeating running to the fore and the back before the net, and does not pass a day without being exhausted.

Head coach Kim expects that Sohn will take charge of more than half the attacks of the team with his skills improved a step higher in the coming Super League.