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Panel demands compensation for Japan`s colonial rule

Posted February. 23, 2001 13:42,   


At a meeting of the World Desegregation Conference in Tehran on Feb. 19-21, the Asian region preparation committee adopted a declaration under which Japan is asked to take responsibility and offer compensation for its colonial rule over parts of Asia before and during World War II, a diplomatic source disclosed Thursday.

The meeting was attended by representatives from 35 nations, including the two Koreas, Japan and China, international organizations and over 150 non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The pertinent clause in the declaration said that due responsibility and the obligation to provide compensation should be borne by those countries that established colonial rule over others or engaged in slavery, ethnic cleansing or other acts of racial discrimination.

An official of the Foreign Affairs-Trade Ministry said the clause was adopted at the request of the Malaysian delegation at both the African region preparatory committee in late January and the Asian region meeting. Japan initially opposed the inclusion of the clause but eased its stance to create a consensus among Asian nations.

Japan reportedly plans to raise objections to the clause at the forthcoming second preparation committee meeting in May and at September`s plenary session, which is to be sponsored by the U.N. High Commission for Refugees (UNHCHR).

North Korea`s representative at the meeting was Park Dok-Hwan, human rights section chief for the North`s foreign ministry, who joined the Malaysia representative in calling for compensation for colonial rule.

Boo Hyung-Kwon bookum90@donga.com