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Hyundai founder rests in peace

Posted March. 25, 2001 17:17,   


Funeral services were held Sunday for Hyundai Group founder Chung Ju-Yung at his family burial site in Changu-dong, Hanam City, Kyonggi Province. More than 7,000 people, including family members and Hyundai officials, took part in an earlier ceremony for the late business giant at the Asan Medical Center in southeastern Seoul.

After a silent prayer for Chung, an overview of his life was given and a recording of his voice played. A eulogy and a poem dedicated to Chung also were read. In an appearance on a multivision, the late Chung said ``The most important thing in our lives is positive thinking. If we think everything is possible, we can meet any challenge.``

A North Korean delegation to the funeral, led by Song Ho-Kyong, chairman of the Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, placed a wreath at the ceremony and offered a prayer for Chung. The North Korean delegation left for Pyongyang after a five hour, 40 minute stay in Seoul.

Kim Dong-Won daviskim@donga.com