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SNU to open Chung Ju-Yung business management class

Posted March. 25, 2001 17:36,   


Seoul National University (SNU) will open a business management class dedicated to the late Hyundai founder Chung Ju-Yung in the second semester of this year.

The prestigious university has in the past addressed Chung`s management philosophy in the form of special lectures, but the proposed course would be the first to focus on an individual businessman.

Cho Sung-Dong, dean of SNU`s College of Business Administration, who attended the funeral ceremony for the late Hyundai Group founder on Saturday, said the course would be an elective for juniors and seniors. The class will be called ``Chung Ju-Yung and Hyundai Group.``

Lectures will be conducted in the form of case studies and be taught by former and current Hyundai executives as well as journalists and other experts.

Kim Dong-Won daviskim@donga.com