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Scorching Weather Continues throughout Weekend

Posted June. 08, 2001 20:21,   


It is expected that the scorching weather will continue. The highest temperature during daytime will be above 30 degree during day, throughout Saturday and Sunday. And there seems to be no `welcome rain` during next week.

The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) forecasted yesterday that it will be mostly sunny today with the highest temperature of 34 degree in Chunchon, 33 degree in Kwangju and Jeonju, 32 degree in Seoul and Daejeon, and 30 degree in Daegu.

It is also forecasted to be above 30 degree in Seoul and the central region. In Seoul, a sizzling 30 ~ 32 degree weather is likely to continue, but it would cool down a bit on around 14th. It will rain especially in southern part of the country from 16th, when the seasonal rain front will approach.

A representative of the KMA said, ``Due to a warm and dry atmospheric pressure from the Continent of China, the hot weather will continue for a while. And the rainy spell will be influencing on the whole country from the end of June to early July.``

Kim Joon-Seok kjs359@donga.com