Posted July. 24, 2001 09:29,
The mystery of `antimatter` disappearance during creation was veiled off by a group of international research team. After the `Big Bang`, the matter and antimatter were believed to coexist in the same quantities but the antimatter disappeared so rapidly that the `matter` alone would have become the universe, which is now supported by the team.
The `Bell Group`, composed of international scientists from 14 countries, including Korea, Japan and the U.S., presented the evidence of the observation that ``the decay rates of matter and antimatter are different`` during International Conference on High Energy Physics held in Rome, Italy on July 23.
The team reported that the experiment was performed in a large particle accelerator in Tsukuba, Japan by creating 30 Million pairs of `B-meson` and `anti B-meson`, which showed the decay rate of `anti B-meson` was larger than that of `B-meson`.
The team speculated that the survived `matter`, which didn`t collide with the `antimatter`, became the universe. That`s because matter is annihilated when colliding with the `antimatter`. Thus, if the same quantities of matter and antimatter had existed and decayed at the same rate, the universe might not have survived.
Professor Kim, Sun-Ki (Physics Department of Seoul National University), Korean Representative to Bell Group, said, ``The discovery that matter and antimatter decay differently was made in some elementary particles by Dr. Val L. Fitch (U.S.) et al. in 1964, who was awarded Nobel Prize for this work. However, the observation has not been applied to all the elementary particles in the past,`` adding ``This research will provide an important evidence to the question how the universe might have been created and existed.``Antimatter: While matters, such as electron, proton and neutron, exist, the counterparticles, such as positron, antiproton, and antineutron, should exist. In other words, the antimatter is like a mirror image of the matter, whose characters are almost the same except the charge status. For example, the electron has negative charge, while the positron (`antimatter` of electron) has positive.