President Kim Dae-Jung is known to express his displeasure about the Yaskuni worship of Japan`s Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro at the celebration address of the 56th anniversary of the Liberation Day.
The President revealed his plan to 197 members of the Veterans for National Independence that he will mention about the Japanese matters at his ceremonial address in the Liberation Day.
A related official explained that ``the President states that the Japan`s history textbook distortion and the Yaskuni worship of Japan`s Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro are grave matters that cannot be ignored.``
The Korean government summoned the Japan`s ambassador in Korea to deliver the strong protest of the Korean government against the Yaskuni worship by the Japan`s Prime Minister.
Choi Sung-Hong, the vice Foreign Minister, said to the Japan`s ambassador that ``it is very regretful that Japan paid his reverence to the Yaskuni temple that is the symbol of the Japan`s militarism.``
Mr. Choi also expressed a strong concern of Korea that, ``while the problems of the distorted history textbook are not still resolved, Japan`s Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro paid his reverence in the Yaskuni temple. It would seriously damage the Korea-Japan relationship.``
Responding to this, the Japan`s ambassador said that he ``will deliver the position of the Korean government to Japan.``