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No.1 Point Guard Is Only One

Posted November. 14, 2001 09:05,   


Gang Dong-Hee (35, Mobis Automons) and Lee Sang-Min (29, KCC Egis) are the long rivals who have competed over the honor of the best point guard in the Korean professional basketball league.

These `field commander` rivals have not struggled only with their personal problems such as physical power and injury, but also with their own teams` unfortunate situation, failing to construct the best five yet.

Both teams recorded 2 wins 3 losses alike. However, while the Mobis recorded 3 straight losses after 2 straight wins, the KCC earned its 2nd consecutive win after 3 straight losses.

As veteran players entering 6th season (Gang) and 5th season (Lee), they are mostly concerned with the playing time in this season. Gang Dong-Hee has played 29 minutes per game in this season, declined by 5 minutes from the average playing time of the last five seasons. Lee Sang-Min also lessened his average playing time by three minutes from the last four seasons` average 33 minutes 26 seconds to 30 minutes 6 seconds in this season. They have always been in a desperate situation, in which they ought to solely lead the entire team in spite of the shortened playing time.

Comparatively, Gang is more anxious because his team has been in declining tendency. A partner of `two guard system`, Chung Jin-Young is fast but tends to make a lot of mistakes. And Gang`s back-up guard Ha Sang-Yoon still falls behind in game-managing ability. Hence, Gang has asked the coaching staffs worrying about his declining power to play more time.

However, the absence of Kim Young-Man has huddled his full-fledged performance. Due to his back injury, Kim Young-Man played only for 3 minutes 54 seconds in a game since the season began. As it were, there is no place for Gang to pass the ball but inside the strengthened paint zone.

The shadow of misfortune also fell on the face of Lee Sang-Min.

As Jackie Jones returned from three-game suspension, and Kendrick Brooks having the excellent passing and shooting abilities joined the team, the team swept the two-game series in last weekend. Lee had certainly been encouraged by the consecutive win. Lee Sang-Min said satisfactorily, ``With an outstanding ability, Brooks shared my burden as a point guard, and, above all, the credible play of Jackie Jones allowed me to attempt at the various offensive tactics.``

However, during the interview, Lee received the sad news that Jackie Jone, who injured his left knee in the previous game with the LG Sakers, had to undergo an operation on his left knee cartilage. Lee sighed deeply without saying anything.

The fans are paying their attention to who will be better to adjust oneself to the worsened team situation in the first face-to-face match on 14th at Ulsan.
