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“Hearings on New Prosecutor General Lee not to Proceed“

“Hearings on New Prosecutor General Lee not to Proceed“

Posted January. 18, 2002 09:47,   


The Grand National Party (GNP) decided not to proceed with parliamentary hearings on the appointment of the new Prosecutor General Lee Myung-Jae on the 17th.

The floor leader Lee Jae-Oh said, "The hearings on the appointment cannot be held because the new Prosecutor General was appointed before the National Assembly revised the law to include the Prosecutor General in the scope of the hearings. But we are watching over the next government appointments of chief prosecutors."

Jang Jeon-Hyung, vice spokesperson of the New Millennium Democratic Party (NMDP) criticized the GNP, saying, "The GNP is waffling about without setting any clear principles on momentous issues like the hearings for the appointment of the Prosecutor General. This demonstrates that the GNP`s demand for hearings hitherto was only a ploy for taking the political offensive in the interest of the party."

Jeong-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com · yongari@donga.com