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IT Industry, "Invite of High Quality Technical Human Resources”

IT Industry, "Invite of High Quality Technical Human Resources”

Posted November. 15, 2002 22:48,   


“There is a large number of applicants, but are so few qualified persons.”

According to a concern industry on November 14, while the employment difficulties have been continued, some advanced technology industry has been in trouble of a core employment hiring.

Park Bong-Wu, HR team leader of Appeal Telecom said, “As an export to China has increased explosively, an demand on technical human resources has largely increased, but it is very difficult to find the qualified engineers with a core technical power.”

KT has hired employees in fields of the next generation telecommunication, wireless & wire integrated service and internet phone (VoIP) whatever necessary, but has hardly found the qualified employees. On the other hand, there was a competition rate of 100:1 for the employment of general offices conducted by the company. The employment market shows a serious disagreement of demand and supply.

Such employment trouble has also appears in venture companies. Ahn lab requires the human resource of system security field before everything else, but has difficulties in finding the professional employees because the college curriculum has just opened in a graduate school. Accordingly, the necessary employees have been directly hired from US by the president of the company, Ahn Cheol-su.

As Scigenic hasn’t acquired necessary professional employees, it has been in chronic employment troubles. So, it has executed a project being on night work.

Shin Yeong-Hwa, director undertaking IT headhunting at IBK Consulting said, “Some advanced fields such as CDMA, mobile phone & IMT-2000 have been in the shortage of the high quality professionals supply.”

Besides, according to a report of ‘Evaluation of IT professional human resources training policy and its future policy direction’ published by Korea Information Society Development Institute(KISDI) on November 15, a shortage of IT human resources from 2002 to 2006 was estimated at 99,999 people on an accumulative base.

Go Sang-won, a researching committee member of KISDI said, “To cultivate a high quality human resource for a demand of the industrial world, a college curriculum must be reorganized according to a trend of the industrial world and the professional human resource of the industrial world must be trained by visiting professors.