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Only Al Qaeda Can Do Simultaneous Attacks

Posted November. 29, 2002 22:56,   


On Nov. 28th, a series of attacks were waged against Israel people. Al Qaeda is believed to have coordinated those attacks.

The name of one terror suspect announced by the Israeli army radio station matched that of an Al Qaeda member wanted by the FBI, reported some newspapers. Nonetheless, the FBI has not confirmed the report. Western countries including the United State could not, at least for now, point their fingers to Al Qaeda for those attacks. Nonetheless, many suspect that Al Qaeda is behind all these. Why is that?

▽ Size of attack = The intelligence agencies of Kenya and Israel, along with terrorist experts, believe that Osama bin Laden`s Al Qaeda network has orchestrated the attacks. First, they point out, the attacks simultaneously aiming at a hotel and a charted airline should have been supported by an organization possessing high level of expertise.

It has transpired that the Bali bombing was conducted by an Indonesian fundamentalist organization "JI," which in turn has been supported by Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has frequently used a truck loaded fully with bombs.

Second, Al Qaeda has built up a considerable network in the east Africa. In fact, Al Qaeda`s two top military officers entered Kenya in 1994, and stayed there until August of 1998, when American embassies in that region were attacked. Bin Laden stayed in Sudan from 1991 to 1996, building up alliance with other Islamic fundamentalist groups.

Bin Laden in a tape released early this month heralded future attacks not only on the United States, but also on its allies such as the U.K., France and Israel. This episode also points to Al Qaeda`s involvement in the latest attacks in Kenya.

▽ Western countries: Doubtful, but not sure = Israel`s ambassador to Kenya and vice president of Kenya immediately blamed Al Qaeda, when they visited the bombed hotel.

But Israel also blamed Hizbollah for the attack, which is a pro-Iranian Islam group in Lebanon. It based its conclusion on the analysis that Hizbollah has obtained the shoulder-firing missiles that attacked the civilian airplane this time. In addition, November 28th, the day of the attacks, was a day when UN decided to divide up Palestine. At the same time, it was one day before Hanukah, the greatest Jewish holiday, started.

Russian ITAR-TASS reported, citing its Foreign Minister`s remarks, "Al Qaeda seems to be rebuilding its network." But it did not associate Al Qaeda with the current attack. White House spokesperson also said, "It is not clear yet whether or not Al Qaeda got involved in the attack."

Rae-Jeong Park ecopark@donga.com