Posted December. 02, 2002 22:58,
In the afternoon of the 2nd, there was an open discussion of professors titled `the Issue of Accepting the Asia Pacific Foundation to the Yonsei University,` for the first time after the announcement of accepting the Asia Pacific Foundation to this university last October.
During the discussion that day, many professors pointed out that although they acknowledged the academic value of accepting the Asia-Pacific Foundation, the procedure of donation and the negotiation process was not known at all, and the images that the Yonsei University intended to was not considered.
The Professor Park, Soon-Yong of the Philosophy Department said, It is positive in terms of the historical and academic values of the historical matters of the Presidential reign and the development of the Presidential Studies that can nurture the vision of the Yonsei University, and went on to say, but, there might be pointing out, `why it is important to accept the Asia-Pacific Foundation, which has an image of hotbed of corruption and absurdity.`
The Professor Kim, Ho-Gi of the Sociology Department said, Frankly speaking, I do not know any more than the context that are reported on media, so the opinions of the members in and out of the university are not reflected, and it is needed to form `the Asia-Pacific Foundation Accepting Committee (proposed)` and collect opinions about accepting it.
The Dean of the International Studies Graduate School, Lee, Young-Sun, who is in charge of working-level negotiation, said, It is not right to judge the thing, which has academic values, politically, and it is for the university to take care of.
In response to that, the Professor Lee, Sin-Haeng of the Political Science and Diplomacy Department pointed out, We must seriously think whether accepting the Asia-Pacific Foundation is right for the long-term vision and image of the Yonsei University, not just nearsighted judgment whether it is practically right or not.