The reason why export growth is attributed to North East Asia is because China`s economy is growing up rapidly and economic crisis of North East Asia that occurred at the end of 1990s` is over.
Export to China among four nations in North East Asia ranked 0.6% in 1988, 8.8%in 1996, 10.7% in 2000, and 12.1% in 2001 and 14.2 this year.
Export to Japan lowered since the end of 1980s`, recording 19.8% in 1988, and 9.4% this year. Export to Taiwan and Hong Kong increased from 4% in 1997 to 5% this year.
On the other hand, export to U.S and EU that made up 50.5% in 1988, maintained a downward trend such as 35.4% in 2000, 33.8% in 2001 and 33.2% this year.
Especially, export to U.S in past twenty years has highly decreased like 20% this year from 35% in 1988.
Kim Geuk-soo, Director of tendency analysis in Trade Association indicated, export to China specially in IT fields like mobile, computer, electronics, etc is rapidly increasing 50% every year from recent 2~3 years and we need strategy for specializing in exports by local items and not by concentrating on scale
Director Kim added, reduction of export to U.S and EU is related to deflationary trends, however, it can exert big influence on export price policy as it is a targeted region for high price export.