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“What’s the Use if I Am Doing Well Alone?”

Posted December. 06, 2002 23:05,   


‘What’s the use if I am doing well alone? ’

Lee Sang-min (30. KCC Egis) and Hwang Sung-in (26. SK Nights). They are the best point guard in domestic who has put their team at the top.

Their style is similar, too. They play by not only giving opportunity to fellow team member to increase the score but also have high scoring ratio from outside and defeat the opposition at once.

Lee Sang-min is the best in assistance such as having an average of 7.33 per game. Hwang Sung-in ranks among top three (6.72). Lee Sang-min (14.17 points) and Hwang Sung-in (11.22 points) ranks 10th and 18th respectively among domestic players. In rebound, among only Korean players, Lee Sang-min ranks among top three (4.89), and Hwang Sung-in 10th grade (3.33).

They are from Yonsei University being four years senior and junior and are in trouble together this season. Though these two players are the best in their team, team is not able to escape the lowest level, repeating successive defeats.

Hwang Sung-in who led his team to victory in 1999~2000 season and returned to the team after military service played a significant role in scoring 29 points in two successive games. He succeeded in scoring six three pointers in two games. However, team suffered two successive defeats.

Lee Sang-min who was the best in assistance in 1998~1999 seasons, had a mind for being the best again for the second time this year. However, as the team is the lowest, he has to play for rebound and score, too. The reason why he played as an all rounder such as ‘triple double’ in recent three games is due to such reason.

Lee Sang-min and Hwang Sung-in felt pent-up when neighboring people said, ‘he plays alone ’ or ‘he thinks about only personal record ’. They say that they don’t have option but to play various roles as players miss rebounds and easy pass or the score is not good.

Hwang Sung-in has a mind “it is good as fellow players are becoming better after second round ” and “ I will play any role in targeting joining strong team of six. ”

Lee Sang-min said, too, “People ask if I have greed for personal titles, but important thing is team score not personal title” and “I do my best for victory only ”.

Sang-Ho Kim hyangsan@donga.com