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Lula Makes a Speech in WSP

Posted January. 26, 2003 22:43,   


The President of Brazil Inacio Lula Da Silva (58), who used to be a labor worker with a educational background of 5 years of elementary school, and became the first left wing President of Brazil after 4 tries, attended the World Society Forum (WSF) held in Portualegre in Brazil on the 25th and received a standing ovation. He is the first politician to attend the WSF.

It was reported that the President Lula accentuated the solving of starvation and objection to the Iraqi War, and he was treated like a rock star from crowd of some 40,000 people.

His contribution to the foundation of the WSF, which is also called the `anti-Davos Forum` because it put globalization and neo-liberalism as slogans and his left-wing policies made the crowd go wild with enthusiasm.

The President Lula said, "I`d like to say to the world that if we use the money for making wars to buy bread, rice, and beans, and feed them, how much the world becomes better," and insisted, `the new world order that the wealth is distributed more fairly.`

He also said, "As much as the children in Northern Europe, the starving children in Africa have right to grow up rich," and stressed, "In the circumstance where millions of children are starving, it does not make sense to spend billions of dollars for wars." The crowd gave him a standing ovation after his address saying, "What we need is understanding, not war," had been over.

Maria Rosa Venezuela of Argentine, who listened the address, said, "His story exactly matches the subject of this Forum, `Another World Is Possible,`" and "This is what we`ve been longing for."

In the meantime, the foreign media reported that during this WSF a report saying, "It is better to be a cattle in Europe rather than to be born a citizen of a poor third-world country," had been submitted.

This report submitted by an international civil organization, the Social Watch, insisted, "Although the EU pays 2.2 dollars worth of subsidy per cattle, a half of the world population live less than 2 dollars a day."

The President Lula is planning to deliver the same address at the annual World Economy Forum (Davos Forum) held in the opposite side of the Earth, Davos Switzerland on the 28th to political and economical leaders of the world.

Jung-Ahn Kim credo@donga.com