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Chung Wa Dae to Verify Deputy-Ministerial Level Officials

Chung Wa Dae to Verify Deputy-Ministerial Level Officials

Posted February. 26, 2003 22:38,   


The Roh administration decided to extend the strict verification standard applied in the process of setting up the Cabinet to the selection of deputy-ministerial level and assistant deputy-ministerial level officials. That is apparently in a bid to thoroughly reform the officialdom.

So far deputy-ministerial level officials have been selected with only a nominal verification process and assistant deputy-ministerial level officials have not even gone through personnel verification. But with the extended application of the verification standard, they will have to go through personnel verification process. Government officials have so far been automatically promoted in accordance with hierarchy. But that will no longer the case.

A senior Chung Wa Dae official said yesterday, “So far, Chung Wa Dae has not implemented personnel verification for assistant deputy-ministerial level officials. But from now on, we will do just that with the tightened verification standard.”

This move came after President Roh Moo-hyun said that rigid verification process for deputy-ministerial level and assistant deputy-ministerial level officials was needed since they were playing a key role in performing ministerial affairs.

Under the new verification standard, senior government officials will have to go through strict verification with relates to military records, family assets, social reputation, and residential records.

Chung Wa Dae plans to embark on personnel verification for deputy-ministerial and assistant deputy-ministerial officials right after they wrap up the appointment of ministers within this year. Chung Wa Dae also decided to activate the task force team for personnel verification during March.

Meanwhile, the expected verification process is expected to result in the shift in generations. Currently the government has 109 assistant deputy-ministerial posts.

President Roh and his transition team decided before to receive resignation from assistant deputy-ministerial officials after setting up the cabinet, and then turn down resignation of qualified officials after undergoing verification process.

Young-Hae Choi yhchoi65@donga.com