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People Remembers Furyk for His Win of US Open Trophy, Not for His Swing Form

People Remembers Furyk for His Win of US Open Trophy, Not for His Swing Form

Posted June. 16, 2003 22:02,   


Just before hitting the road to the final round of the US open after a 30-minute putting practice, Jim Furyk hugged an old man for some time. Petting on Jim`s back, the old man looked like wishing for something. Who was the old gentleman? The answer came out in a couple of hours later.

With three holes left, Jim already made it clear that the title was his. He was ahead of Steven Leaney with a four-shot lead. Then, the old man showed up again during Jim`s interview with NBC. His name is Mike Furyk.

Guess who! He`s the father and only coach of Jim. Mike himself was a pro golfer in the past.

With all the attention paid to the goofy way he goes about hitting the ball, it was easy to overlook what became obvious late yesterday -- that Furyk has always had the ideal kind of game to win a U.S. Open, which took place Olympia Fields, Illinois, USA. Also, it is his first win of a major.

But most of all, this is a Father`s Day story, and a valuable gift to his father.

People used to remember Furyk for his ugly swing. His swing looks like he`s wielding an ax instead of a golf club. But it was what his father taught Jim.

Young-Sik Ahn ysahn@donga.com