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The Committee of Judicial Reform in the Supreme Court Officially Opened

The Committee of Judicial Reform in the Supreme Court Officially Opened

Posted October. 28, 2003 23:02,   


The Committee of Judicial Reform under the Supreme Court was officially opened on October 28, consisting of 21 individuals from various fields – the legal circles, citizen groups and the press – in order to discuss the reform plans of the judicial system.

The Supreme Court had its first meeting with the Committee at the Supreme Court’s Grand Conference Room in Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul at 10 a.m. today where they elected Park Bum-gye, secretary of law to the president and Lee Kwang-bum, chief of general affairs department at the Office of Court Administration, as managers and decided to organize small committees in order to discuss the detailed rules for operation.

The Committee of Judicial Reform will be discussing the following topics by the end of next year: the organization and function of the Supreme Court (a yes or no of policy court, the restriction of an appeal), the unification of judicial officers (the measures of selecting the judiciary), the education of the judiciary (law school, bar exam system), the participation of the public people into judicature (the jury system), the judicial service and the criminal judicial system (public lawyer system), and so on.

Matters that are proposed in the committee are investigated by professional committee members, submitted to the president of the Supreme Court, sent to the president, and finally the president decides whether or not to execute it.

The committee entrusted two of each from the following court – the Ministry of Justice, a bar association, professors of law, the administration, citizen groups, and the press. Also entrusted by the committee will consists of members of each from the following – The National Assembly, the Constitutional Court, economic circles, labor circles, feminine circles, including Cho Joon-hee, chief of the Committee, also the first manager of Lawyers for Democratic Society and Lee Kong-hyun, vice chief of the Committee, and vice chief of the Office of Court Administration.

Soo-Kyung Kim skkim@donga.com