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[Opinion] The Style of the First Lady

Posted February. 22, 2004 22:45,   


Located in Kyodong-ri, Okcheon-gun, Chungcheonbukdo, the ex-First Lady Yuk Young-soo’s birth home is expected to be restored. Mrs. Yuk was shot to death in 1974 during the Independence commemoration ceremony. Then, the Korean people were anxious about the sudden incident, since the scenes were aired throughout the nation including the two gunshots fired out of the guest seats and the actions of the secret service man guarding at the site. Many people who were against the Constitution for Revitalizing Reform even shed tears.

▷ We have extremely opposite evaluations of ex-president Park Jeong-hui. In comparison, people have generally positive impressions of Mrs. Yuk. She used to criticize his husband’s political greed and keep an eye on his moral indifference. This is why many people have an image of her as “the Mother of a Nation,” who consoles people caught in hardship and fatigue, rather than as “the wife of a dictator.” Obviously, the contrasting warm-hearted image of her in the cold dictatorship helped her to leave a positive impression, but she was an inside harsh critic president Park feared, and a calm wife who aided him as well as being an enthusiast for social work.

▷ In America, it is said that there are two types of First Ladies: Ex-President Bill Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is considered to be “an open activist,” while current First Lady Laura Bush is considered a type of “close aide.” In 1993, Mrs. Clinton had initiatives on medical reform, used unconstitutional government power to stay in the White House, and now she is the Senator of New York state. On the other hand, the “close aide” First Lady style makes the best efforts to keep the leader’s morality and dignity intact. Watching a husband’s affairs and health status also belong to the main tasks of a traditional wife. It seems that a lot of Americans view Laura Bush positively, and at a recent popularity poll, Mrs. Bush achieved third place among other female contenders.

▷ What is the role of the First Lady in Roh’s administration? Looking back over the past year, it is difficult to picture First Lady Kwon Yang-sook’s overall role. It is probably due to president Roh’s continuous gossip, and her activities have also rarely run on newspapers. Is she a type of “close aide”? Based on two short news articles at the end of last year, Mrs. Kwon seems to have interests in children’s affairs. Why doesn’t she change her style to an activist devoted to children’s welfare or safety from now on?

Editorial Writer, Professor of Seoul National University, Song Ho-keun, hknsong@snu.ac.kr