Posted October. 31, 2004 23:03,
In the municipal by-election held on October 30, the Uri Party lost in the four local administrator and seven provincial government elections, excluding the Chul, won local administrator election.
The Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) set a strong footing as they won in the elections held in the Honam district for governors of Haenam and Gangjin-gun in Jeonnam, following a victory in the 6.5 by-election in the Jeonnam Provincial Governor election. The Grand National Party (GNP) won in the Paju mayor and Geochang-gun governor election.
Especially in a situation where the confrontation between the ruling and the opposition party is in a critical point due to the capital relocation and the abolition of national security law issue, it is noteworthy to see if there will be any changes in the political situation after the Uri party suffered a crushing defeat.
In the provincial government election held in seven regions, including Seoul, Daegu and Gangwon, the Grand National Party won in five places and the Millennium Democratic Party won in one place, Jeonnam, and the unaffiliated with no party won in one place, Gangwon.
Meanwhile, the National Election Commission stated that the final turnout of voters in the recent by-election is tentatively tallied to be 33.1 percent. It is a 4.6 percentage point higher than the previous 6.5 by-election turnout of voters of 28.5 percent. However it is 1.1 percentage point lower than the by-election held on October 30 with a 34.2 percent turnout.