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[Editorial] "Unstable" Ruling Party Should Strive to Gain Confidence From the Public

[Editorial] "Unstable" Ruling Party Should Strive to Gain Confidence From the Public

Posted January. 05, 2005 22:34,   


The ruling Uri Party launched an interim executive committee meeting as an emergency measure. It was followed by the resignation of party executives en masse as a result of having failed to pass controversial issues including the national security law. The provisional committee will be operated until April 2 when the party convention is scheduled. However, we hope they can reassure the public’s opinion of the ruling party by managing the party successfully.

Internal conflicts of the Uri Party seem to be getting worse. The resigning party leader appealed to members, saying, “I desperately insist that we should hold fast to the national integrity, prioritize public welfare, hold a dialogue with the opposition party, and compromise after all.” However, the reactions of some of the hard-liners were harsh. A party member even shouted, “Just shut your dirty mouth,” which made it disgraceful to call the party a democratic party.

Thoughts will be different from each other. What counts the most is that agreements should be made based on reasonable conversation and discussion. That is a democracy. This is what the provisional committee must execute immediately. First of all, the controversial bills such as the national security law should be discussed in a democratic way. It will be nonsense if they can’t establish the party’s opinion before the interim National Assembly session in February, as they may shift their stances back and forth again.

As to forming a provisional committee, the floor leader and leading executives who are expected to compete for party leadership are all excluded. This seems to be desirable in a sense that unfairness of competition for power will not occur in the future. Do not be too attached to the power of the party: instead, the leaders of the party should be more actively involved now.

If the party’s opinion is affected by the minority of hard-liners once again, there will be nothing left for public welfare or the national integrity. We don’t have spare time to watch the ruling party struggling from within. Both party executives and party staff members should be united and not disappoint the public in the ruling party’s activities. It will be a total collapse if the Uri Party fails again. If the provisional committee faces trouble in February’s special session, will it be possible for them to establish another emergency body?