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Two Years Enough for Bang Sung-yoon?

Posted February. 03, 2005 23:04,   


Concern is mounting over when Bang Sung-yoon, who is playing for the Roanoke Dazzle in the National Basketball Development League with hope of becoming an NBA player, will play on Korean soil.

In a Thursday interview with Dong-A Ilbo, Bang, who was exempted from two years of mandatory military duty after winning a gold medal in the 2002 Asian Games, expressed his strong wish to use the NBDL as a ladder to become an NBA player, saying, "I have no intention to play in the Korean Basketball League at least until 2007."

Bang added that he is going to visit South Korea after the current NBDL season is over to discuss issues surrounding his contract with KTF.

Requesting the organization`s strong support for his bid to play in the world`s best league, Bang said that it will also be beneficial for KTF to have a Korean player with strong American basketball experience.

KTF head coach Chu Il-Seung, who talked to Bang over the phone, said, "We want Bang to join KTF starting next season. Judging from the overall atmosphere in the U.S. and the reaction of Bang`s agent, we have a great chance of having him soon."

"Bang will not ignore realistic issues surrounding him," Chu added. "If he persists, we might think of it as an investment to give him the chance to play one more season in the U.S." KTF is planning to send staff to the U.S. to support Bang.

KTF is hoping to add him to their roster next season. Once Bang does get drafted by the NBA, however, playing in the Korean league might be a long shot for Bang.

Regarding issues over his qualification to participate in the KBL draft before officially finishing his undergraduate degree, Bang explained that he just put off graduation since he wanted to earn the remaining credits he required to become eligible for a teaching license.

Jong-Seok Kim kjs0123@donga.com