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[Opinion] Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

Posted March. 03, 2007 03:24,   


Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., who passed away at the age of 89 on February 28, was an American historian who was the first to use the term “imperial presidency.” He is counted as one of the post-WWII representative progressives in the U.S. along with economist John Galbraith, who also passed away last year, and journalist James Wexler. In his book, “Imperial Presidency,” published in 1973, Schlesinger, Jr. warned, based on his observation that the Nixon administration’s power threatened the balance of the three separated powers, that there is a possibility of a presidency turning into a dictatorship.

A Harvard professor from 1946 to 1961, Schlesinger, Jr. was deeply involved in politics after he was selected to serve John F. Kennedy as special assistant to the president. He was a prolific writer who once wrote 5,000 words a day. He had difficulty separating history from his feelings as a historian. His book, “A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House,” was criticized as a “political novel” by ignoring the side of Kennedy as a womanizer.

Schlesinger, Jr., a pro-Democratic Party progressive historian, supported the impeachment of Nixon, a Republican president, but opposed impeaching Bill Clinton, a Democrat. He criticized the Bush administration’s “preventative war” policies, including the Iraq war. A founding member of “Americans for Progressive Action,” he was against communism and argued for pragmatic progress.

Schlesinger, Jr., who once worked as a free lancer for a journal for 15 months, emphasized in his interview with Dong-A Ilbo on the New Year’s Day in 2003, “The best weapon against the imperial presidency is free and fearless press. A president should have a rudder, a steering wheel, and a harbor for anchoring. An effective president should be able to explain that the direction and destined harbor are valid and reasonable.” President Roh has not overcome his resentment of the critical press while declaring the end of the imperial presidency era. I wonder how Schlesinger, Jr. would assess the Roh administration.

Gwon Sun-taek, Editorial Writer, maypole@donga.com