Posted April. 22, 2010 06:28,
The Education, Science and Technology Ministry has ordered Konkuk University to reinstate two professors at the cardiology department of the schools medical college.
Professors Yoo Gyu-hyeong and Han Seong-woo were dismissed for questioning CARVAR (comprehensive aortic root and valve repair) surgery done by Song Myeong-geun, a thoracic and cardiovascular surgery professor at the college.
The ministry reviewed the complaint filed by the professors against the university on their dismissal, and ruled that Konkuk had no right to fire them. The university violated disciplinary procedures by rejecting the two professors request to change disciplinary committee members, the ministry said.
The two professors were fired Feb. 15 after the university said they undermined the schools credibility by submitting to the Korea Food and Drug Administration two reports on the adverse effects of CARVAR surgery.
Upon receiving the ruling from the ministry, the university must reinstate the two professors. Konkuk can appeal the ruling within 30 days after receiving the document. Since the dismissal was invalidated because of problems in procedures, the university is likely to again take disciplinary action against the professors by correcting such problems.