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Opposition holds rallies against ratification of FTA with US

Opposition holds rallies against ratification of FTA with US

Posted November. 28, 2011 01:05,   


Opposition parties are demanding the nullification of the free trade deal with the U.S., threatening to boycott parliamentary procedures including the legislation of next year`s budget.

They will gather anti-free trade groups to prevent President Lee Myung-bak from signing the ratification Tuesday.

Opposition parties are holding rallies in downtown Seoul opposing the ratification of the free trade deal with the U.S. and a candlelight vigil against President Lee and the ruling Grand National Party. The main opposition Democratic Party has joined the rally by creating a committee for the deal`s nullification led by supreme council member Chung Dong-young and 46 other party members.

Opposition members are speaking in the form of party speeches to demand nullification of the agreement.

In a rally at Seoul`s Gwanghwamun Plaza Saturday, Democratic Party chief Sohn Hak-kyu said, "I well understand public criticism of the Democratic Party and the National Assembly. But I promise that our party will lead efforts to nullify the ratification."

Civic groups opposed to the agreement will hold a candlelight vigil in Seoul on Wednesday, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10, and will expand the rally throughout the nation by holding a massive protest in Busan Friday. The hosts of the famous podcast “I`m a Cheater” will also hold a rally and an event against the free trade deal Wednesday.

Chung posted an inflammatory message on social networking sites to encourage more participation in the protests. Following a rally Saturday, he demanded that President Lee resign by writing messages such as "Our candles mounted the fortress of President Lee," "Nullify the ratification! Resign, President Lee,” and "President Lee must have heard the roars of the people at Gwanghwamun! Their shouts are orders for President Lee to stop signing the deal and listen to the public’s voices.”

Referring to Gwon Ji-hyeon, a student at Hanshin University who was killed in a traffic accident on the way to the candlelight vigil on Friday, Chung said, "The tragedy of the free trade deal with the U.S. has already started. We need to stop this for the sake of Kwon.”

Chung`s comments are considered to refer to the first candlelight demonstration, which was held in Gwanghwamun in November 2002 when two middle school girls were run over and killed by a U.S. Army tank.
