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Gay marriage becomes legalized around the globe

Posted May. 28, 2013 03:39,   


More countries are legalizing homosexual marriage. Now, the term marriage is no longer just between a man and a woman, but also between men and between women.

France legalized gay marriage last week, becoming the 14th country to do so. The U.S. is also likely to approve same-sex marriage in next month. Countries currently discussing allowing homosexual marriage include the U.K., Germany, Finland, Columbia, Andorra, Ireland, Luxembourg, Nepal and Taiwan. As gay marriage is encountering many hurdles, however, massive protests against anti-homosexual marriage grapple are staging France, Poland and Brazil.

○ 14 countries accept gay marriage in 13 years

This year, Uruguay, New Zealand and France joined the club of countries where gay marriage is legal. Gay marriage was first legalized in the Netherlands in 2001, and after more than a decade, it is facing an important turning point this year. Besides 14 countries that have legalized gay marriage, the U.S., Brazil and Mexico are approving gay marriage in certain areas of the nations.

French Constitutional Court said on May 17 that the law allowing gay marriage and child adoption do not infringe on the people`s basic rights and freedom and state sovereignty. Just as France said same sex marriage conforms with the constitution, an increasing number of countries are seeking to legalize gay marriage saying it does not interfere with community spirit.

The U.K. House of Commons recently passed gay marriage bill, which is highly likely to be legalized next year. There is also possibility that Germany, Finland and Luxembourg might legalize gay marriage.

In the U.S., where Washington D.C. and 12 states allow gay marriage, California recently ruled that its law banning gay marriage is against the constitution. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court will judge on legalizing gay marriage in all U.S. states.

In Asia, Vietnam is pursing legalizing gay marriage and is poised to become the first country in the region to do so. Discussion on allowing same-sex marriage is also in progress in Nepal and Taiwan.

More than 20 countries allow the civil union system, a stage prior to legalizing gay marriage. The system provides same-sex couples with rights, benefits, and responsibilities similar to opposite-sex civil marriage, thereby legally protecting gay couples.

Korean film director Kim Jho Kwang-soo said he will marry his gay partner Kim Seung-hwan in September this year. He said he will file a constitutional appeal if their marriage registration is rejected, which is expected to spark heated disputes on gay marriage in Korea.

○ Massive anti-gay marriage protests in France

On Sunday afternoon, 150,000 people, including right wing opposition parties, Catholic and civic group members, gathered at the Invalides square in Paris to protest gay marriage law that went into effect on May 18. As the sun set, hundreds of young extreme right wing protesters clashed with police surrounding the site. Protesters threw bottles and stones, and police responded by firing tear gas. Police took 350 protesters, while 36 people, including 34 policemen, one protester and one reporter, were wounded.

Sunday was Mother`s Day in France. As people criticizing President Francois Hollande`s national affairs also massive gathered, however, the demonstration expanded into a huge rally. Some protesters broke into the Social Party building and put on a placard that read "President Hollande should step down," with 19 people being arrested. On Saturday, 59 people who tied themselves as a barricade at the Champs-Élysées street protesting gay marriage were taken by police.

In Poland, a Catholic country, some 10,000 citizens also held a rally Sunday conforming with anti-gay marriage strikes in France. On Saturday, people in Brazil also held a massive strike against gay marriage.

○ Child adoption by gay couples remains a problem

Allowing gay marriage has hurdles to tackle as seen in France. The religious circle and conservative politicians hugely oppose to gay marriage, while ethic problem is another matter.

Among those supporting gay marriage in France, many still oppose to child adoption by gay couples. If adoption of a child born by a gay partner is allowed, surrogacy can prevail. France`s Social Party plans to legalize surrogacy system soon. In response, the opposition parties and the religious circle warned that legalizing surrogacy breaks the base of human relations and stamps on human rights, adding they will not look on the matter idly.