Posted June. 10, 2013 02:52,
North Korea is reportedly conducting a military drill after declaring an aviation and navigation ban in waters around Seohanman bay in North and South Hamkyong provinces. Attention is focusing on the motive and intention behind the move, which is incompatible with the mood of inter-Korean dialogue that has been established in recent days.
A source in the South Korean military said on Sunday, It has been found that the North has designated two locations of waters around Seohanman as areas subject to aviation and navigation ban for three or four days from Saturday. The South Korean military authority judges that the drill is more likely part of the North`s routine military exercises, including a coastal gun firing drill, rather than short range missile launch, given the small size of the areas subject to the aviation and navigation ban. In fact, the North often declared areas subject to aviation and navigation bans when conducting coastal artillery firing drills in the past. Some insiders in the South Korean military suspect that the Norths move might reflect the North Korean militarys intent to maintain its leadership by generating sense of tension internally and externally even amid the mood for dialogue between the two Koreas.
The North has reportedly been stepping up inspection of military units and carrying out intense drills since Lieutenant General Lee Song Kuk was inaugurated as commander of its Fourth Corps in April this year. The Fourth Corps of the North Korean military is responsible for the five island areas in the Yellow Sea and Hwanghae Province, where military tension between South and North Korea runs high. According to sources at the South Korean government, artillery battalions of the Fourth Corps have frequently conducted actual firing and mock firing drills in recent months. A source in the South Korean military said, Our military is keeping a close watch on situation of and moves by the North Korean military in the region, while remaining highly vigilant.