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Advanced countries give no leniency on rebellion, treason

Advanced countries give no leniency on rebellion, treason

Posted September. 02, 2013 05:43,   


Advanced countries in the West have provisions on rebellion and treason in their Constitutions or criminal codes, and are dealing sternly with crimes that threaten the security of state and regime. The U.S. gives death sentence, the maximum penalty allowable by law.

The Criminal Code in Germany, which was a divided country like Korea during the Cold War Era, defines as "treason" acts hampering the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany through use of violence, beating or threat, or infringing upon constitutional order under the basic laws. The code provides that those who are convicted for treason against the Federal Republic of Germany gets life imprisonment or more than 10 years in prison, and that those who are only charged of conspiracy to stage rebellion also gets one to 10 years in prison.

The French criminal code provides that those convicted of treason by swaying the foundation of constitutional order of the state and attempting subversion of the state are given up to life imprisonment or fines of 750,000 euros (about 1 million U.S. dollars). Specifically, acts subject to such punishments are collaboration with a foreign country’s military or intelligence agency, destruction of major facilities and conspiracy and threatening of terrors to subvert the government.

The U.K. defines as treason attempts to overturn its monarchy and parliamentary system, and violators could face up to life in prison.

The U.S. includes provisions on treason in its Constitution. The federal criminal code, which was enacted in compliance with the provisions offers that “Whoever seeks to stage war against the U.S., or anyone who gives favors to enemy in and outside the U.S. by colluding with the enemy is given death penalty, at least five years in imprison, or 10,000 dollars in fines.