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Conservative-liberal conflict upon Shin Eun-mi’s arrival in LA

Conservative-liberal conflict upon Shin Eun-mi’s arrival in LA

Posted January. 12, 2015 07:19,   


Korean American Shin Eun-mi (54), who had been under investigation in South Korea for allegedly making "pro-North Korea comments" in her talk concerts in the South, was deported to the U.S. on Saturday.

Shin departed from Incheon International Airport for Los Angeles at around 7:50 p.m. on the day. “I feel like I have been betrayed by someone whom I have a secret crush on,” Shin told reporters before her departure. “Although I am being forcefully repatriated, I will pray and make efforts for peaceful unification of my motherland.” After disclosing her feeling at the Incheon airport, she wept while hugging Hwang Seon, 41, who she had been jointly conducting the talk concerts with and was indicted. She also said “Thank you” one by one to some 30 acquaintances of her before departing.

The moment Shin got off from the Justice Ministry’s escort vehicle at the airport, physical conflict occurred between her acquaintances, including Hwang, and officials from the immigration office. As the office restricted time for their meeting with Shin, some of her acquaintances lay on the ground in front of the vehicle, causing the police to dispatch a special squad to the scene.

If a foreign national commits a crime against national interest within Korea, the Justice Ministry can order forceful repatriation of the foreign national. Once deported in such a way, he or she is banned from re-entering the country for the next five years.

Although Shin left the country, legal dispute will likely continue in South Korea going forward. Shin said, “I will accept” the suspension of indictment handed by prosecution, but her legal counsel Kim Jong-kui said, “I will wage dispute over the legality of forceful repatriation with administrative lawsuit, and prosecutorial suspension of indictment with constitutional appeal, respectively.”

When Shin arrived at Los Angeles International Airport at 2:40 p.m. (U.S. Pacific time) on the day, conflict between conservatives and liberals also erupted in the U.S. Prior to her arrival in the U.S., progressive groups in the U.S. came to the airport with banners including one reading, “Welcome Shin Eun-mi, patriot of the (Korean) people,” but conservative groups strongly countered them by waving banners, including one reading “If you like North Korea, return to the North.”

The two sides engaged in physical conflict: when Shin was about to leave the arrival section at the airport with about 20 of her acquaintances from her church and members of progressive groups, some 20 other Korean Americans who are members of conservative groups sought to block her from leaving, saying, “A pro-North Korea person should go to North Korea.” Only after Los Angeles police arrested two members of conservative groups, the conflict ended. “I want to take rest for now. I will take my time to think about what I will be doing,” Shin said while leaving the airport.