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Umbrella labor organization to return to tripartite talks on labor reform

Umbrella labor organization to return to tripartite talks on labor reform

Posted August. 27, 2015 10:54,   


The Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU), one of Korea`s two major umbrella labor organizations, on Wednesday has decided to return to the stalled tripartite negotiations on labor reforms. However, the organization`s central executive committee has decided to leave it to its chairman, Kim Dong-man, to determine when and how to return to the negotiating table. Kim plans to announce the FKTU`s return to negotiations within this week at the earliest, before joining meetings among representatives from labor, business, government and a tripartite committee chairman. If he does, the umbrella organization would rejoin the negotiations for the first time in four months.

The FKTU`s hardline group, which blockaded the central executive committee`s conference room on August 18, simply held a picketing rally on Wednesday, without causing any clash. The hardliners plan to agree to the return to the negotiation but decide on the level of their protest depending on how the talks progress. Apparently conscious of the hardliners, Kim vowed to never accept general layoffs and changes of employment rules.

Meanwhile, the government and the business community are welcoming the labor organization`s return to negotiations. Labor Minister Lee Ki-kweon called for a "grand compromise," while the Korea Employers Federation urged the three parties of labor, business and government to engage in dialogue "with a determination to resolve the (labor reform) issues."
