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Ahn should suggest a clear vision of his new party

Posted December. 22, 2015 07:29,   


Ahn Cheol-soo declared to create a new party by early February to “achieve a successful change of power” on Monday, 8 days after his defection from the New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD). He criticized the NPAD, where he used to work as co-chair, for refusing to innovate and sticking to old politics, claiming that his new party will not accommodate to such customs. He emphasized that while he will not consider any kind of alliance with the NPAD, he is open to do so with other new parties in the Honam (Southwest) region.

His comments sound like forcing the opposition lawmakers to choose between Moon Jae-in and himself in the upcoming general elections. His intention seems to draw a clear line with the pro-Roh group and to create an anti-Roh alliance based in the Honam area.

Mr. Ahn pledged that he will do anything to prevent the ruling Saenuri party from securing 100 seats at the National Assembly in next year’s general elections, which will allow them to amend the constitution. This ambition will be achievable if he manages to gather all moderate politicians from both the ruling and opposition sides. The recent drop in approvals for the Saenuri party demonstrates the unfavorable sentiment of the Korean public toward the current political developments.

However, Ahn had already dismissed the possibility of any type of alliance with the Democratic Party back in 2013, when he first launched the preparatory organization for the NPAD. But soon he revoked his promise by announcing an integration with the Democratic Party just 13 days later. Since then, Ahn has lost public trust and many people are now doubtful whether his commitment will last until the presidential election or even until next year’s general elections.

If Ahn’s new party is actually dedicated to changing power, it should stop talking about alliance but start presenting clear visions. So far, Ahn has only suggested vague ideas not much different from the last time he tried to build a new party. He has not made himself clear on what different path the new party will take from the NPAD which seems to be focusing on incapacitating national security organizations and protecting its ideology. Ahn will have no say against criticism if he simply plans to receive subsidies for the new political organization by assembling all anti-Roh, anti-Moon politicians in the Honam region.