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Korean outfielder Kim Hyun-soo heads for Baltimore

Posted December. 30, 2015 13:26,   


Kim Hyun-soo (27) seems very determined Tuesday at the press conference on his joining the Baltimore team.“I want to retire from Major League rather than going back to the K-League. Going back means a loser to me," he said.

When asked about his goal for the next season, Kim answered, “There is no such thing. As a rookie, my priority is to be chosen as the starting member.” He picked David Price of the Boston Red Sox as his counterpart, mentioning Price`s aggressive style and low walk rate. Price recorded 18-5 with a 2.45 ERA this season.

"I chose 25 as my number 50 at Doosan was already taken," Kim said on his uniform number. "I was able to choose between 27 and 25, but the agent suggested me to choose 25 because 27 would seem like following Kang Jung-ho."

Kim added a piece of advice for players at the minor league, remembering his days as a trainee. “I was able to get here thanks to my great mentor. You don’t know when the chance will come to you, so I want everyone to stay in hope,”Kim said.