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Time to tell your story

Posted June. 17, 2019 07:50,   

Updated June. 17, 2019 07:50


“Now it’s time to get rid of my loneliness. It’s time to read the face of others.” This is a saying that appears in Jeong Hye-yoon’s book with a title roughly translated as “A Bed and a Book.”

Some people get weaker as night falls. They think of the mistakes they made during the day, people whom they have long hated, and concerns about tomorrow that will come. They are the ones who are used to feeling lonesome and being left behind. I hope I can put this book at their bedside, just as I did for myself when I felt deserted. I used to open any pages of the book, surrounded by a soft touch and smell coming from the bed. Wherever I opened, I always came across the voice I wanted to hear more than mine. “Tell me more, as I’m weak and not feeling good today. I want to listen to your words more, not mine, so please tell me more stories till I fall asleep.” I read on, buried under blankets. The book talked to me.

“We listen to a love story that turns out to be a failure to the end, however long it is. That’s because we are all connected when it comes to sadness. How did Galip escape loneliness and walk into the stories of others?”

This book jumps into the stories of numerous other books, thereby establishing its own uniqueness. It leads readers to dawn when they could greet other voices, without being dominated by a sad, overinflated ego. In those dawns, their ego neither adores nor pities themselves too much. The book’s saying resonates once again. “Now it’s time to get rid of my loneliness. It’s time to read the face of others.” I’m no longer only weak; That’s because I’m reminded of the fact that there are too many stories to be seen and heard in this world. This keeps me away from loneliness, shows me the face of others, and puts me to sleep.