The sequel to the film “Don’t Cry for Me, Sudan,” a documentary movie that covers the life of Catholic priest Lee Tae-seok, will be released next month. The Lee Tae-seok Foundation announced on Wednesday that the follow-up of the movie titled “Resurrection” will air on local theaters. “Don’t Cry for Me, Sudan,” released in 2010, depicts the life of the priest as a missionary, doctor, teacher and musician in Tonj of southern Sudan, before he lost his life to colorectal cancer at 48. The movie had 440,000 domestic viewers who were touched by the devoted life of the priest.
“Resurrection” tells the story 10 years after the priest’s death, visiting 70 of the priest’s disciples. They came from different walks of life as journalists, pharmacists, government workers, etc, but they are united in the way they live out the life of the priest, serving the community. Thomas Taban Accott and Jan Mayen Ruben, who grew up as adolescents in Tonj and came to Korea to study at the invitation of Priest Lee, both passed the National Examination for Medical Practitioners and are working as medical interns in Korea. Asunta Ajoc, a member of the brass band founded by Lee, graduated from Ewha Womans University last year majoring in Materials Science and Engineering, following in Lee’s footsteps.
The movie shows how the love and devotion Lee had shared is reborn as hope in the lives of Lee’s disciples, the value of happiness and leadership. “Don’t Cry for Me, Sudan” was directed by Ku Su-hwan, a former producer at KBS who currently leads the Lee Tae-seok Foundation after Priest Lee Tae-young, the elder brother of Lee Tae-seok, passed away last year.
Seo-Hyun Lee