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Melania scowls after Ivanka walks by

Posted August. 31, 2020 07:40,   

Updated August. 31, 2020 07:40


U.S. First Lady Melania Trump’s facial expression‎ quickly changed after Ivanka Trump, daughter and advisor to the U.S. President who is known to have rocky relationships with Melania, walked past her on Thursday.

The senior advisor took a role of introducing her father Donald Trump ahead of his convention speech on the last day of the Republican National Convention. She left right after introducing her father and saying goodbye to her parents. Melania smiled and nodded when Ivanka appeared on the stage, but her face quickly turned into a scowl as soon as her step-daughter walked by.

“This was so weird,” tweeted comedian Dana Goldberg, who captured the fleeting moment on video. “This is prime me when I hold the door open for someone and they don’t say thank you,” wrote “Game of Thrones” alum John Bradley.

The Internet got to work and criticized President Donald Trump by putting computer graphics showing the Black Lives Matter logo and the number of COVID-19 cases on Melania’s fluorescent green dress. It was because green colors are used for computer graphics as background.

Ivanka is a daughter of President Trump’s first wife Ivana, and Melania is his third wife. Stephanie Wolkoff, former advisor of the First Lady, disclosed in her book “Melania and Me” that Melania called Ivanka a snake and the two of them often argued about various matters including their seats.
