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Asked the name of a flower

Posted February. 20, 2021 07:08,   

Updated February. 20, 2021 07:08


A family is the foundation of society, people used to say. A group of families become a community, and a group of communities become society. In other words, a family was like a seed. People used to dream of going far based on that belief and also dream of coming back if things became too tough.

A family nowadays, however, has become the last resort rather than the foundation. It seems a family is the only psychological safe fence we have. If a family falls apart, there is nowhere to go. That is why news of someone harming their own family infuriates us. We often find ourselves unable to sleep following news, where a child is beaten by their mother or an old lady is killed by their own child. We stuck inside the house for longer times in the pandemic. If we rely on our family, where do we turn to?

At a time, when our house feels like a cave and our mind becomes dark like a cave, what we need is a lamp. Sometimes a lamp is planted inside our mind rather than being lit. So here is an introduction of a poem that helps you plant a lamp inside your mind. Since these are such tough times, when we lose what is precious for us, let us plant a strong and precious heart in our mind like a flower seed. In the poem, a son asks his mother the name of a flower and his mother says I love you instead. Despite his mother’s love, he has that tough day, when he wants to “plow out all his fingerprints.” In such days, what shored him up was the memory of his mother, who gave him all her love like a flower.

Short winter days go and spring comes without our noticing. Have we ever been a flower to anyone? Whose flower has been planted inside our heart?