Cardinal Nicholas Cheong Jin-suk, who was hospitalized due to deteriorating health last month, has been reportedly recovering lately. According to the office of the Seoul archdiocese on Sunday, Cardinal Cheong, who was in critical conditions including difficulties in breathing, answered questions from people around him and participated in a mass jointly hosted by other priests in his hospital room. Cardinal Cheong expressed appreciation to many people who prayed for him, saying, “Thank the Catholic church and followers”.
“He has overcome a critical moment for now. He has yet to recover fully but he seems to have passed a pressing and critical situation to some extent,” an official at the Seoul archdiocese said.
Earlier, on Monday last week, the hospital removed all life-sustaining equipment other than intravenous from his body. The measure was taken to follow the cardinal’s message that he would not want life-sustaining treatment. Some doctors said Cardinal Cheong could pass away within a couple of hours if he receives just intravenous, but he reportedly has improved in breathing, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation levels.
Meanwhile, the 89-year-old cardinal was hospitalized on Feb. 21 at recommendations by experts around him when he felt severe pain. As his health significantly deteriorated soon after hospitalization, Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung even delivered a sacrament anointing of the sick for Cardinal Cheong the next day.
Gab-Sik Kim