The police investigating a death case of a three-year-old girl in Gumi, North Gyeongsang province, is focusing their attention on her birth mother A (48) and others around her after finding evidence of an identity tag anklet detached from the victim.
According to sources including the North Gyeongsang Provincial Police Agency on Sunday, A’s daughter B (22) took multiple photos of the baby with her mobile phone at an OB/GYN where she gave birth. It is reported that a photo taken after detaching the identity tag from an ankle was found among the photos in her mobile phone.
The police found the photo while listing up B’s photos in sequence. B’s ex-husband also said in a TV program that the baby had an identity tag detached from the newborn. “We found a photo with the identity tag detached among the photos that B took to celebrate the birth. It seems that B didn’t notice it while taking multiple photos,” said an insider of the police.
The police also found that A visited the hospital on March 31, 2018, a day after B’s birth. They secured a testimony as well that A visited the hospital every day until B was discharged. B left the hospital a week after giving birth.
The police believes that the “newborn exchange”was carried out before April 2 of the same year. It was the day when the newborn had a blood test after 48 hours of being born. The hospital documents say that the baby’s blood type is A. “It is biologically impossible for the baby to have the blood type from B and her ex-husband,” said an insider of the police. “We will investigate into this by working with medical staff who worked at the hospital at that time.”
Young-Hun Jang