Humpback whales are far away and we are here. After reading this poem, however, we would realize that humpback whales are everywhere, be it the house next door, or inside our heart. If the place where whales live is called the sea, the sea is not far away. It is inside our heart.
The whale in the poem travelled 6,500 kilometers to breed. I travelled around the world for 5,200 days to raise a child. Whales and humans wander around the big, tough world for quite some time with loved ones to protect. While doing so, we realize that seeing is not everything. We come to understand that the world is not everything, and that we cannot stay here forever and have to part one day.
If we replace the word “humpback” with “heart” or “soul,” we become closer to whales. “Just because they cannot see it doesn’t mean the humpback doesn’t exist” can be replaced with “Just because we cannot see it doesn’t mean our heart doesn’t exist.” The mother whale says once you understand the humpback, you become an adult whale. Why do we keep forgetting that truth that even whales know? The most important thing is what eyes cannot see.