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Main opposition candidate’s wife apologies for wrongdoings

Main opposition candidate’s wife apologies for wrongdoings

Posted December. 27, 2021 08:44,   

Updated December. 27, 2021 08:44


Kim Kun-hee, wife of the main opposition People Power Party’s candidate Yoon Suk-youl, said that she is accountable for everything and asks for forgiveness. “I will only focus on supporting my husband if he becomes president,” she said. She partially admitted the allegations of her false career in 12 days after they surfaced by holding a press conference.  

“I made exaggerations and put down incorrect information about my career because I wanted to look better. I should not have done it and I feel very ashamed about what I did. I deeply apologize for my wrongdoings. I will look back on what I’ve done over the remaining presidential campaign. I will accept any criticizing of my wrongdoings, but I would very much appreciate if you could keep this apart from my husband, who has gone through such a difficult time,” said Kim at a press conference held at the headquarters of the People Power Party in Yeoido, Seoul.  

Kim read from a three-page written apology for eight minutes and left the press conference without receiving questions. “It means that she reflects on her past and will refrain from being engaged in her own public activities going forward, rather than expressing her position on whether she will take on the role of First Lady or not. It does not mean that she will refrain from campaign activities, we will support her for being with Yoon on public occasions,” said Lee Yang-soo, chief spokesperson for the Central Presidential Campaign of the People Power Party, who explained Kim’s position after her remarks. He explained that much advice and ideas had been suggested, which Yoon accepted and made decisions on, in reply to questions of whether Kim’s timing and format of apology had been thoroughly discussed within the party.

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