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Actor Alain Delon decides to end life with euthanasia

Posted March. 21, 2022 07:58,   

Updated March. 21, 2022 07:58


French actor Alain Delon (age 87) decides to end his life with euthanasia in Switzerland.

According to French media outlet Le Point on Saturday (local time), Alain Delon’s son Anthony said in an interview with French RTL broadcasting network that he had been asked by his father to help with euthanasia and that he agreed to be by his father’s side at his last moments of his life.

Delon’s decision may come from his experience of dealing with the death of his former wife and mother of Anthony, Nathalie Delon. She had been his colleague and wife from 1964 to 1969 and passed away from pancreatic cancer in January 2021. She wished to be euthanized, but her wishes could not be granted due to laws in France. “My mother, who was a free spirit, wished to die in the same way she lived her life,” said Anthony.

Delon had been an advocate for euthanasia for a long time. “Euthanasia is the most logical and natural thing. From a certain age and timepoint, we have rights to depart quietly from this world without the support from a hospital or life supporting devices,” said Delon in a media interview last year.

Delon’s euthanasia is expected to take place in Switzerland. He had acquired Swiss citizenship in 1999 and continues to stay in Switzerland since he was operated for stroke in 2019. He is known to have discussed with his lawyers on inheritance. “Aging is horrible,” Delon commented at operation.

Seong-Ho Hwang hsh0330@donga.com