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KHNP joins bid for nuclear reactor project in Czech Republic

KHNP joins bid for nuclear reactor project in Czech Republic

Posted March. 24, 2022 07:58,   

Updated March. 24, 2022 07:58


With the Czech Republic launching a tender to build a new reactor at the Dukovany nuclear power plant, the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) has begun all-out efforts in the Czech Republic. The South Korean company will be competing with the U.S. and France.

According to KHNP on Wednesday, it held “APR1000 Suppliers Symposium” in Prague on Tuesday (local time) jointly with the Korea Nuclear Association for International Cooperation (KNA) and the Czech chamber. The APR 1000 is a South Korean designed nuclear reactor that KHNP will propose to the Czech Republic.

The Dukovany project aims to build a 1000MW-class pressurized water reactor plant in the southeastern part of the Czech Republic. The project is estimated at around 8 trillion won. The CEZ Group opened the main bidding for the Dukovany project on March 17 and sent an invitation to bid to contractors, including KHNP.

Currently, South Korea, the U.S. and France are competing for the Dukovany project. The final winner is expected to be announced in 2024. Winning the bid has become more important as the Czech government is considering the construction of up to three more nuclear power plants.

KHNP CEO Chung Jae-hoon had his first official meeting with Jozef Sikela, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, at the event and promoted the competitiveness of South Korea’s nuclear power plant construction. Chung stressed that he expects South Korea to win the bid as it has excellent price competitiveness and business capabilities.

Teuk-Gyo Koo kootg@donga.com