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Kim Yuna to marry vocalist Ko Woo-rim in October

Posted July. 26, 2022 08:11,   

Updated July. 26, 2022 08:11


Former figure skating champion Kim Yuna (age 32) will be marrying in October with vocalist Ko Woo-rim (age 27) of quartet Forestella.

Kim's management agency All That Sports announced on Monday that "Kim Yuna will be married to vocalist Ko Woo-rim in late October in Seoul.” Ko's agency Beat Interactive also confirmed the marriage. The wedding ceremony will be disclosed to the public and held in the presence of family and close friends only. "I will be 35 in 10 years," said Kim in a fan meeting held in 2014. “I think it would be too late to marry if I'm not married by then.”

Kim and Ko first met in 2018 when Forestella performed at an All That Skate Ice Show. Kim had joined Forestella's performance with figure performance. The couple met for three years, resulting in a commitment of marriage. Music was a joint interest and helped them grow close.

Ko, a graduate of Seoul National University's vocal department, is currently studying at graduate school at SNU. He auditioned and won the competition for a TV program titled Phantom Singer that sought for a male quartet. Ko's father is pastor Ko Kyeong soo of Daegu Peace Church. Ko has not completed military service yet, to which his agency said that nothing has been determined yet related to the matter.

Ko and Kim's relationship had been rumored among Ko's fans. Ko had uploaded a photo of his dog Yeonwoo on his social media in May 2020, and Ko's fans speculated on whether the name was coined for Yeon of Kim Yuna and Woo of Ko's name.

Kim has been sought after as the ideal type for many male singers, actors and sports stars. As a teenager, she had said that her ideal type was someone with manly looks and temperament. In her autobiography, "Kim Yuna's seven minute drama,” published in 2010, she said that she didn't like men who tried to look too strong. "I would like a person who can lean on me, rather than someone who feels that he has to carry the weight on his own because he's a man. Ilike someone who is open and honest.” Kim has repeatedly described her ideal person as someone who is open and whom she can really talk to.

Kim's news travelled abroad quickly, particularly in Japan where local media reported the news. On Monday, TV Asahi and Nikkan Sports, Yahoo Japan and other media outlets reported that former Korean figure skater champion Kim Yuna will marry a vocalist five years younger in October. Kim had received much attention among Japanese fans when she competed with Asada Mao (age 32) for the gold medal in the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010. Kim had won gold and Asada silver.

Kim also acquired a silver in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, but she announced retirement. In 2018, she joined as ambassador to promote the Pyeongchang Olympics, contributing to the hosting and success of the event. As UNICEF ambassador, Kim is also involved in many donation activities.

Dong-Wook Kim creating@donga.com · Jae-Hee Kim jetti@donga.com