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Netflix releases new movie ‘Carter’

Posted August. 03, 2022 07:39,   

Updated August. 03, 2022 07:39


"I can confidently say that ‘Carter’ is an action movie of a new level. It is filled with raw actions." (Actor Joo Won)

"I wanted to portray actions as rough ink-and-wash paintings." (Director Jeong Byeong-gil)

The director and lead actor of the film summarized ‘Carter,’ a movie waiting to be released on Netflix worldwide on Friday. The two appeared on the press conference for the movie promotion held in a hotel in Jongno District, Seoul on Tuesday.

The movie begins with a deadly pandemic originating from the DMZ, which has devastated the U.S. and North Korea. Amid cooperation between the two Koreas for developing an antidote, a man named Carter wakes up in a motel in Seoul without any recollection of his past. In his ear is a device that gives him directions after directions to contain those who are chasing him including armed agents from the CIA. Without knowing anything, Carter follows orders as given as the voice in the ear threatens him that the bomb in his mouth may go off if he doesn't. His mission is to bring a North Korean girl, critical to developing the cure, safe to Sinuiju, North Korea.

Carter is an action-heavy film from the get go. Action scenes are filled with extremely difficult physical combats and stunts including a bathtub scene, where Carter barely wearing anything but thong, deals with some 100 enemies with just a scythe. Most of the scenes were shot in a single take to increase the sense of immersion.

Joo Won, who played a human weapon Carter, trained for almost four months for those heavy action scenes. The day he first encountered the script, Joo wondered if these action scenes were even possible to create and that how many enemies he would fight against and hurt every time he went to the filming set.

Hyo-Ju Son hjson@donga.com