Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” is a classic. The author tells his story of staying at four different Nazi concentration camps. The author, an Austrian psychiatrist and holocaust survivor, says that humans are impacted by environments. Still, they can show unbelievable bravery when faced with unbearably terrifying conditions, based on his experience. Though we cannot change the situation, we can opt to change our attitude towards hardship, which makes a difference in how we live.
How do we respond to daily stimulations? Do we adopt an inertial approach without giving it much thought? Normally we respond to situations in the way we usually do. This minimizes energy, which is beneficial to existing. This is like an automatic system, just like driving to the destination when driving down a familiar road without paying much attention.
The automatic system becomes activated when we are tired and worn out. We tend to respond in the same way we used to when we are stressed or tired. However, it is difficult to achieve change or growth in such conditions because you do not think.
If we take some time or space to think, instead of immediately responding, we have options. We have the discretion to choose how to react, which fosters growth and development.
No life is without struggles. Everyone faces hardship at some point in life. However, the way we accept and respond to challenges is different. We should look back on how we respond to daily events and hardship as we learn how Frankl opted for freedom and responsibility on how he chose to respond in extreme conditions like being prisoned in Auschwitz.