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Japanese individual donates 10,000 yen for forced labor victims

Japanese individual donates 10,000 yen for forced labor victims

Posted August. 01, 2023 08:00,   

Updated August. 01, 2023 08:00


“Apologies for the small donation,” read the letter delivered to the office of the Korean Residents Union in Japan (Mindan), an organization of Korean residents in Japan in Minato, Tokyo. The yellow envelope contained a handwritten letter and a 10,000 yen bill (about 89,000 won).

It is the first time for a Japanese, not a Korean resident in Japan, to make donations ever since the third-party payment, where the Korean government pays compensation to the victims of Japanese forced labor instead of Japanese companies. There were cases where dozens of Korean businesspeople in Japan made donations, but there have been no donations so far by Japanese individuals.

“As a Japanese, I deeply apologize for Japan not showing a sincere attitude about compensation,” said Japanese A, who mentioned the third-party compensation. A wrote his/her name and address on the envelope.

“Thanks to President Yoon Suk Yeol’s immense efforts and tolerance, relations between Korea and Japan have grown brighter,” said the letter. “What is regrettable is the Japanese government’s response. Japan’s triggering of war inflicted intolerable agony and misery on the people of invaded countries. Japan should deliver a message of sincere apology to all. After all, learning history means not to repeat our mistakes.”

“Donation is merely what we can do as individuals, which I would like to apologize if this is intruding,” said A, referring to the situation where some forced labor victims refuse to accept third-party payment. “What is crucial is ceaseless efforts for mutual understanding. I will do my part to understand better Koreans’ thinking, social structure, living, history, and tradition,” said A. At the bottom of the letter was a drawing of a woman in hanbok and a Joseon white porcelain.
